Guillaume Collignon

Guillaume Collignon graduated a bachelor’s degree in photography from the École cantonale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL) Switzerland in 2010, followed by a master’s degree in art direction and photography in 2012. His works and research are mainly focused to landscape/spaces and the human interaction with it.

He’s also investigating the role of the photographic medium in monitoring and reconnaissance, mainly during the cold war period in his long term on-going project called « In god we trust, all others we monitor ».

For informations, print inquiries or to say hello:
instagram: @guillaume.collignon

Member of NEAR, swiss association for contemporary photography.

Side projects

As also be a cyclist enthusiast, a full serie of cycling photos taken during trips, with friends or on comission is to discover bellow. Shot sometimes on large-format camera (!), panoramic and others films cameras, and a very little bit in digital too (nobody’s perfect).

You can check the cycling serie here

Prints are available to sell, all printed on chromogenic process (lambda print on RA-4 paper).
Please contact me for price.


Du Nil au Léman, regards comtemporains, Musée de Pully et Near, Switzerland, march 2023
Biennale de la photographie de Mulhouse, This is the end, France, june–oct 2020
Near x LabElysée, Artificial Intersections, musée de l’Elysée, Switzerland, jan–may 2020
Near / stadio, Vevey Images, Vevey, Switzerland, august 2018
Near website launch, Rencontres photo d’Arles, France, july 2018
Cold / war studies, Galerie contre-contre, St Maurice, Switzerland, sept–oct. 2017
Carte blanche Near, Biennale photographique de Mulhouse, France, june 2016
Là-Haut, La Graineterie, centre d’art de la ville de Houilles, France, jan–feb. 2016
MTAG Group Show, Le Huit, Paris, France, november 2014
Hike, Hack, Hic et Nunc, XPO gallery, Paris, France, oct-nov. 2014
Les chasseurs de fantômes, Espace Verney-Carron, Lyon, France, sept–nov. 2014
Docks art Fair, Lyon, sept. 2014, represented by espace Verney-Carron
59e salon de Montrouge, France, april–may 2014
La vitrine 3, Dreier + Frenzel Architecture, Lausanne, Switzerland, oct–nov. 2013
Exposition des diplômes, écal, Renens, Switzerland, july 2012
Planche(s) Contact, festival de photographie de Deauville, France, oct–nov. 2010
Exposition des diplômes, écal, Renens, Switzerland, july 2010

Online exhibitions and interviews

Atlas of Place, jan. 2020
Seen magazine, sept. 2020


Les Others, Volume 14, Paradoxes
Les Others, Hors-Série 10 ans
BSA-FAS - Fédération des architectes suisses, Rapport Annuel 2021


Ekimetrics art collection, Paris
Ville de Deauville
Private collectors


Design and developement: Gaëtan Thirion
Typography: Europa by Charly Derouault

Éléments Alpins


In god we trust – All others we monitor


Rhonegletscher - d’après archives


Déambulations environnantes




Roadside Valleys


Monuments of Madness


uncategorized - non classé


Grande Dixence


